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If you're a Mozart fan, you owe it to yourself to check out Salzburg. The city is like a living monument to him; there are Mozart statues, plazas, museums, even Mozart chocolate (it's called kugeln, and it's delicious). Although he made his mark in Vienna, the composer was born and raised in Salzburg. You can visit the house where he was born, as well as the house where he was raised, which is pretty interesting. The highlight is actually the Hohenfortress, which sits high on a hill overlooking the city. The view is gorgeous.

Another place I would recommend if you go is the Augustiner Braustubl, a brewery where the beer is made by monks. The beers are huge and served very cold. A tip; when you bring your mug to the server, put a nice tip in his   before he starts pouring, and make sure he sees it. Otherwise, you'll get a pour that's mostly head.

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The view from the Hohenfortress

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Lugging a couple beers back to the table at the Augustiner Bierstubl

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Onstage at the Shamrock Irish Pub

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Rebecca and I celebrating our "honeymoon" (it got us free drinks...)

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