More Wedding Photos








































































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Virginia in her last free moments...

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Eric walks Judy down the aisle

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Tracy and Brianna, the flower girl

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Dad walks V down the aisle

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Grammy welcomes V to the family

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The Church

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Dad & Nancy

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Tracy, V, Rik, Eric

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Simply beautiful

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Eric & I share a laugh

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Ericwalks Tracy into the reception

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"Brothers don't shake hands...brothers gotta hug!"

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Me and my favorite sister

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Virgina and her new favorite brother

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Virginia dances with Pepere

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Rik and V dance

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Me and my 3 best friends: Mike Buczynski, Dave (the Slav) Broussard, and Scott Littlefield

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The Slav shows his true feelings...

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Mike and Wendy Houle and their daughter Abby

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The Grand Entrance

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Tracy and Virginia



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Listening to the toasts...



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Finally the toasts are finished!


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Tracy and Jim

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"I rock!"

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