More pictures from my favorite city in the world...
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My favorite building in HK, the Lippo Building
Central District
Any Filipino who has ever been to Hong Kong knows this place
Statue Square
A preferred night spot - the Devil's Advocate
The ever popular Carnegies...
...where they dance on the bar
Virginia at Carnegie's
Hong Kong Harbor
Mak's Noodle Shop, where Virginia and I first talked about marriage
Virginia in Hong Kong Park
Crushed deer penis anyone?
The glamorous, swanky Peninsula Hotel
And the not-so-glamorous side of Hong Kong
Hong Kong version of the "no tell-motel"
The Star Ferry, a HK institution for over 100 years.
Delaney's, my favorite HK Irish Pub
Cinta-J, Virginia's favorite HK restaurant
Skyscraper or phallic be the judge.
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